ARMS system, its industrialization and S-CUBE products have been the subject of degree thesis studies at the Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transport Engineering of Genoa in the last two years.

The three degree theses examined different facets of the revolutionary Reefer automation system, focusing their studies above all on the design and production processes necessary to make the products.

In detail and in order of completion, below are the titles of the theses and the names of the three students who created them to achieve their well-deserved Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering – with a focus on Design and Production.

October 2020 – Giulia Parodi Manufacturing e simulazione: studio preliminare del processo produttivo di un braccio meccanico per l’alimentazione automatica dei reefers (Manufacturing and simulation: preliminary study of production process of a mechanical arm for the automatic feeding of reefers);

March 2021 – Arianna Banchero – Evoluzione di prodotto e adattamento del processo: dalla pre-serie alla produzione di volume (Product evolution and process adaptation: from pre-series to volume production);

September 2021 – Beatrice SolaSmart Rack 4.0 per reefer terminal: analisi di fattibilità di ingegneria di prodotto e processo (Smart Rack 4.0 for reefer terminals: product and process engineering feasibility analysis)

Other Italian engineering faculties have also started collaborating with our team and studying the evolution of our products as in the case of the Engineering Faculty of Cagliari which is also focusing on the Smart reefer RACK.

It was a great pleasure for us and we congratulate the recent graduates of Genoa, and with the other students who are watching us closely, and we wish them all the best for their future achievements.

Finally, we want to thank Prof. Ing. Flavio Tonelli for the interest shown in our solutions and for the constant commitment made during our fruitful collaboration.